BTech Coaching/Tuition Classes For Computer Concepts And Programming In C(ECS-101/ECS-201)

BTech Coaching/Tuition Classes For Computer Concepts And Programming In C(ECS-101/ECS-201)
Introduction to any Operating System [Unix, Linux, Windows], Programming Environment, Write and Execute the first program, Introduction to the Digital Computer; Concept of an algorithm; termination and correctness. Algorithms to programs: specification, top-down development and stepwise refinement. Introduction to Programming, Use of high level programming language for the systematic development of programs. Introduction to the design and implementation of correct, efficient and maintainable programs, Structured Programming, Trace an algorithm to depict the logic, Number Systems and conversion methods
Standard I/O in "C", Fundamental Data Types and Storage Classes: Character types, Integer, short, long, unsigned, single and double-precision floating point, storage classes, automatic, register, static and external, Operators and Expressions: Using numeric and relational operators, mixed operands and type conversion, Logical operators, Bit operations, Operator precedence and associativity
Conditional Program Execution: Applying if and switch statements, nesting if and else, restrictions on switch values, use of break and default with switch, Program Loops and Iteration: Uses of while, do and for loops, multiple loop variables, assignment operators, using break and continue, Modular Programming: Passing arguments by value, scope rules and global variables, separate compilation, and linkage, building your own modules.
Arrays: Array notation and representation, manipulating array elements, using multidimensional arrays, arrays of unknown or varying size, Structures: Purpose and usage of structures, declaring structures, assigning of structures, Pointers to Objects: Pointer and address arithmetic, pointer operations and declarations, using pointers as function arguments, Dynamic memory allocation, defining and using stacks and linked lists.
Sequential search, Sorting arrays, Strings, Text files, The Standard C Preprocessor: Defining and calling macros, utilizing conditional compilation, passing values to the compiler, The Standard C Library: Input/Output : fopen, fread, etc, string handling functions, Math functions : log, sin, alike Other Standard C functions.
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NOIDA Office: C-Block, Near Gate Number - 3, Sec-52, Opposite Hoshiyaar Pur, NOIDA,9560308924, 9891500587

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C-F-A Academy Of Career Development
(A Unit of Pushti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.)
C-28, Sec-52, NOIDA
Ph: 9891500587, 9650308924
