Algorithms Design and Analysis(DAA) Tuition For B.Tech In Noida

Algorithms Design and Analysis(DAA) Tuition For B.Tech In Noida. The objective of this paper is to teach the students various problem solving strategies like divide and conquer, Greedy method, Dynamic programming and also the mathematical background for various algorithms. After doing this course, students will be able to select an appropriate problem solving strategies for real world problems. This will also help them to calculate the time, complexity and space complexity of various algorithms. Asymptotic notations for time and space complexity, Big-Oh notation, Θ notation, Ω notation, the little-oh notation, the little-omega notation, Recurrence relations: iteration method, recursion tree method, substitution method, master method (with proof), subtract and conquer master method(with proof), Data Structures for Disjoint Sets, Medians and Order statistics. Complexity analysis, Insertion sort, Merge Sort, Quick sort. Strassen‟s algorithm for Matrix Multiplications. Dynamic Programming: Ingredients of Dynamic Programming, emphasis on optimal substructure , overlapping substructures, memorization. Matrix Chain Multiplication, Longest common subsequence and optimal binary search trees problems, 0-1 knapsack problem, Binomial coefficient computation through dynamic programming. Floyd Warshall algorithm. Greedy Algorithms: Elements of Greedy strategy, overview of local and global optima, matroid, Activity selection problem, Fractional Knapsack problem, Huffman Codes, A task scheduling problem. Minimum Spanning Trees: Kruskal‟s and Prim‟s Algorithm, Single source shortest path: Dijkstra‟s and Bellman Ford Algorithm(with proof of correctness of algorithms). Call 9891500587 For the best B.Tech Tuition In Noida.

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C-F-A Academy Of Career Development
(A Unit of Pushti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.)
C-28, Sec-52, NOIDA
Ph: 9891500587, 9650308924
