Engineering Mathematics-I B.Tech Tuition Classes In Noida

Engineering Mathematics-I B.Tech Tuition Classes In Noida
Matrices,  Related  matrices,  Complex  matrices  (Hermitian  and  skew
Unitary  matrix),  Solution  of  linear  system  of  equations,  Rank  of  a  matrix,  Gauss
method,  Normal  form  of  a  matrix,  Vectors,  Linear  dependence,  Consistency  of  a  linear 
system of equations, Rouche‟s theorem, System of linear homogeneous equa
tions, Linear and 
orthogonal  transformations,  Characteristic  equation,  Eigen  values,  Eigen  vectors,  Properties 
of eigen  values, Cayley
Hamilton theorem, Reduction to diagonal form, Quadratic  form and 
their reduction to canonical form.
Convergence and divergence of infinite series, Geometric series test, Positive term series, p
series  test,  [Comparison  test,  D‟Alembert‟s  ratio  test,  Cauchy‟s  root  test  (Radical  test), 
Integral test, Raabe‟s test, Logarithmic test, Gauss‟s test] (witho
ut proofs), Alternating series 
and Leibnitz‟s rule, Power series, Radius and interval of convergence.                                                       Indeterminate forms, Part
ial Differentiation and its geometrical interpretation, Homogeneous 
functions,  Euler‟s  theorem  and  its  extension,  Total  differentials,  Composite  function, 
Jacobian,  Taylor‟s  and  Maclaurin‟s  infinite  series,  Errors  and  increments,  Introduction  to 
limits and
Indeterminate forms, Maxima and minima of functions of two variables, Method of 
undetermined multipliers. Curve tracing
Quadrature,  Rectification,  Surface  and  Volume  of  revolution  for  simple  curves,  Double 
integrals  and  their  applications,  Change  of  order  of  integration,  Change  of  variables,  Triple 
integrals and their applications, Change of variables.     
Differentiation  of  vectors,  Curves  in  space,  Velocity  and  acceleration,  Relative  velocity  and 
acceleration, Scalar and vector point functions, Vector operator del, gradient, divergence and 
curl  with  their  physical  interpretations,  Formulae  involving  grad
ient,  divergence  and  curl. 
Line,  surface  and  volume  integrals,  Theorems  of  Green,  Stokes  and  Gauss  (without  proofs) 
and their verifications and applications, Irrotational and Solenoidal fields.        

B.Tech Tuition Classes are available in Group Or Individual Basis or Online. For More Details About Timing Fees Please, Visit our Office - C-Block, Khurana House,Sector-521, Noida, 9891500587, 9650308924

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C-F-A Academy Of Career Development
(A Unit of Pushti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.)
C-28, Sec-52, NOIDA
Ph: 9891500587, 9650308924
