Analog & Digital Electronic coaching Tuition in noida

Analog & Digital Electronic coaching Tuition in noida

Special Diodes- LED, Varactor diode, Photo diode, Schottky diode, Tunnel diode; their characteristics and applications. Transistors as a switch. Frequency Response: Amplifier transfer function, low and high frequency response of common emitter and common source amplifiers. Feedback: General feedback structure; properties of negative feedback; series-series, series-shunt, shunt-series and shunt-shunt feedback amplifiers. Basic principle of sinusoidal oscillator, R-C Phase Shift and Wein Bridge oscillators, tuned oscillators- Collpits and Hartley; Crystal oscillator. Combinational Logic Circuits: Multiplexers/Demultiplexures, Encoders/Decoders. Sequential Logic Circuits: latches, flip-flops- S-R, T, D, J-K. Shift Registers: Basic principle, serial and parallel data transfer, shift left/right registers, universal shift register. Counters: Mode N Counters, ripple counters, synchronous counters, ring/Johnson counters. OP-AMP applications - Astable, Monostable and Bistable multivibrators, Schmitt trigger, IC-555 Timer, A/D and D/A converters. Voltage Regulators: Series, shunt and switching regulators, op-amp based configurations. Memories: Introduction to ROM, RAM; Sequential Memory, Memory organization

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C-F-A Academy Of Career Development
(A Unit of Pushti Infotech Pvt. Ltd.)
C-28, Sec-52, NOIDA
Ph: 9891500587, 9650308924
