Applied Physics-2 Online Tutor

Applied Physics-2 Online Tutor 

Call 9891500587 For The Best Online Tutor For The B.Tech Subjects Such As Applied Physics. A Team of Highly Qualified Tutor Available To Assist You. The objective of the paper is to facilitate the student with the basics of Applied Physics aspects that are required for his understanding of basic physics.

Electromagnetic Theory Online Tutor: Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Gauss' law, Ampere's Law, Continuity equation, Maxwell's equations (differential and integral forms), Significance of Maxwell's equations, Poynting Theorem, Electromagnetic wave propagation in dielectrics and conductors.

Statistical Physics Online Tutor: Black body radiation, Planck's radiation formula, Wien's and Rayleigh-Jeans Laws, Distribution laws: Qualitative features of Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics & their comparison (without derivation).
Quantum Mechanics Online Tutor: Postulates of Quantum mechanics, de-Broglie hypothesis, Davisson Germer experiment, Wave function and its physical significance, Wave Packet, Phase and group velocities, Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger equation for free particle, Time dependent Schrodinger equation, Particle in a box (1-D).

Crystal Structure Online Tutor: Types of solids, Unit cell, Types of crystals, Translation vectors, Lattice planes, Miller indices, Simple crystal structures, Interplaner spacing, Crystal structure analysis: Bragg's law, Laue method, Point defects: Schottcky and Frankel defects.

Band Theory of Solids Online Tutor: Introduction, Kronig-Penney model: E-k diagram, Effective mass of an electron, Intrinsic semiconductors: Electron concentration in conduction band, Hole concentration in valence band, Extrinsic semiconductor: p-type and n-type semiconductors, Fermi level, Hall Effect: Hall voltage and Hall coefficient.

